
List the base units in the metric system and english units


Calculation of Radiopharmaceutical and Pharmaceutical Dosage.

I. What is the importance of calculating the radiopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical dosage in radiology?

List the base units in the Metric System and English Units.
Mention the metric prefixes with their meanings and abbreviations.
List Common Length Unit Conversions.

II. Solve the following exercises to determine how the strength of the medication indicates the amount of active drug contained in a certain volume of the medication. Show the formula and steps that you will use to complete these calculations.

The physician has prescribed a dose of 100 mg of intramuscular morphine. The available stock has a strength of 10 mg/mL How much of this solution should you draw up into the syringe?

The prescribed dose of a drug is 120 mcg. The available stock has a strength of 20 mcg/mL. How much should you give the patient?

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Other Subject: List the base units in the metric system and english units
Reference No:- TGS03226964

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