
List the activities at least 5 and for each activity on


Think about a recent visit to a restaurant. List as many activities as you can think that would be performed by the restaurant employees for its customers

1) List the activities (at least 5) and for each activity on your list, indicate the following:

a. Value added or non-value added

b. Briefly describe why you classified the activities like you did

2) Describe with illustrations how removing the non-value added activities can increase profitability. In other words, if you were the manager of the restaurant, what actions will you take to improve the service to customers while increasing the profitability of your restaurant. Be sure to illustrate how your changes will make a difference to the bottom line. I will be looking for 2 income statements one for before the non-value was modified/ removed and two after modification.

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Accounting Basics: List the activities at least 5 and for each activity on
Reference No:- TGS02784046

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