
List synonyms for search terms and what limiters can you

Police and prison

Before going to use a library database, answer the following:

- What is your general topic for paper?

- What is the specific problem you plan to address in paper?

- Who are the people or organizations involved/affected?

- List search terms:

- List synonyms for search terms:

- What limiters can you use to limit search? Date? Location? Other specific details?

Use library databases to find TWO peer-reviewed/academic articles:

1st Peer Reviewed Journal Article

- Title:

- Author:

- Date Published:

- First published in:

- Important keywords (write down terms that the author uses more than once or twice):

- When and where did the events covered in this article take place?

- What is the basic thesis of this article?

2nd Peer Reviewed Journal Article

- Title:

- Author:

- Date Published:

- First published in:

- Important keywords (write down terms that the author uses more than once or twice):

- When and where did the events covered in this article take place?

- What is the basic thesis of this article?

After conducting research via peer-reviewed academic sources, use Proquest or other news database to find news articles published since 2010 that relate to your topic:

1st News Article Since 2010

- Title:

- Author:

- Date Published:

- First published in:

- Important keywords (write down terms that the speaker uses more than once or twice):

- When and where did the events covered in this article take place?

- What events are continuing to develop? What still must be determined?

2nd News Article Since 2010

- Title:

- Author:

- Date Published:

- First published in:

- Important keywords (write down terms that the speaker uses more than once or twice):

- When and where did the events covered in this article take place?

- What events are continuing to develop? What still must be determined?

Research Proposal

After finding and scanning at least two peer-reviewed academic journal articles

and two news articles, answer the following. Type these answers and

submit hard-copy as your Research Proposal.

- My topic for this research paper will be:

- Specifically, I want to learn about:

- This topic interests me because:

- Some words, terms, names, companies, etc. that I recognize are:

- Some words, terms, names, companies, etc. that I need to define or research further are:

- This issue that I am researching is a problem because:

- The groups/individuals involved in this problem are:

- 1st group:

- What does 1st group want?

- Why?

- Other groups:

- What do other groups want?

- Why?

- The main obstacle to resolving this issue is:

- My three biggest remaining questions are:




- My preliminary thesis for this research paper is:

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Other Subject: List synonyms for search terms and what limiters can you
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