Assignment task:
Are children actively being taught the five reading component skills where I am and, if so, how are they being taught? collect some information about whether and how the five reading components skills (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension) are taught in the America context/classrooms. analyze that information against what the research says about how the component reading skills should be taught to children in primary grades. list some strategies for improving the teaching of component reading skills in your context.
Use textbooks, teacher guidebooks, classroom materials or other curriculum materials to help support these questions.
Readings: International Reading Association and NICHD. The Reading/Writing Connection,
Graham, S. and Hebert, M.A. (2010). Writing to read: evidence for how writing can improve reading. New York: Carnegie Corporation ONLY pp. 1-26;
Shanahan, T. Blogpost. How can we take advantage of reading-writing relationships?
Learning Point Associates (2004). A Closer Look at the Five Essential Components of Effective Reading Instruction: A Review of Scientifically based Reading Research for Teachers,
Rasinski, T. (2004). Creating Fluent Readers. Educational Leadership, 61(6): 46-51
Mudzielwana, N.P. (2013). Research-based Teaching Comprehension Strategies: Bridging the Gap. Journal of Language Teaching and Research