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I think it is important to be aware of the stats, complexities and prevention resources associated with domestic violence so that you can intervene and provide resources before things get too bad. You could be the one to step in and break the cycle or at least open the person's mind to what could be going on. Providing resources gives the person a way out and a way to heal. If you are not aware of the resources available it leaves the person to find them on their one which could be a barrier to them getting out. If you are not aware of the complexities it can be hard to understand and sympathize with them. You could be tone deaf to what is actually going on and could potentially make the situation worse. Domestic violence is a tricky thing and there are a lot more barriers to getting out than people know. If you are not aware of the stats around domestic violence it could be easy to overlook because you do not have knowledge of how often it can happen and to whom it could happen to.