
List other members of the interprofessional team

Assignment task: Mr. Davis is a 72-year-old year-old retired professor who resides in a long-term care home on Pleasantville road. Due to his Parkinson's disease Mr. Davis moved into the long-term care home six months ago.

Mr. Davis has a stooped posture and shuffling gait. He continues to ambulate with a rollator walker. He has a tendency to freeze. He has a rest tremor in his right hand and his tongue. He says softly, "this shakiness is so frustrating, it slows me down." Mr. Davis was recently started on a minced diet with thickened fluids.

You have been off for a couple of days, when receiving report today you hear Mr. Davis has fallen twice while you were off. The first fall occurred when he was getting out of bed in the morning. He stated that he got up too quickly and does not like to wait for the support worker to come and help him. The second fall occurred when he was walking towards his table in the dining room for his evening meal. Fortunately, he was not hurt.

After helping Mr. Davis with morning care, you assist him to go to the dining room for breakfast. On your way out of the room he stops and starts to fall. You prevent him from falling. He states, "thank you, that is the second time this week I have almost fallen, I guess I need to take my time."

Record your responses to these questions:

Q1. What is the main issue or focus of this scenario?

Q2. Describe the objective observations in the case study.

Q3. As the support worker in this situation, what would be your response? (including your verbal response, next actions, or steps, and follow up)

Q4. List other members of the interprofessional team that would support the client. Describe the rationale for including each team member related to the client's care.

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Other Management: List other members of the interprofessional team
Reference No:- TGS03350165

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