1. List OrderIDs and the associated Employee Names for orders that shipped after the required date.
(Hint: Employees to Orders is a one-to-many relationship. So JOIN the two table Employees and Orders and have the WHERE clause filter orders with ShippedDate > RequiredDate)
2. List Products (ProductID, ProductName) and their Suppliers (SupplierID, CompanyName)
(Hint: Suppliers and Products have one-to-many relationship, so JOIN the two table Suppliers and Products)
3. List all Customers (CustomerID, CompanyName) and their Orders (OrderID, OrderedDate)
(Hint: Customers and Orders have one-to-many relationship, and since all Customers is mentioned which means you need to do a LEFT OUTER JOIN)
4. List Customers (CustomerID, CompanyName) and Orders (OrderID, OrderedDate) including the ones they have not placed
(Hint: Customers and Orders have one-to-many relatinship, and since all Orders is mentioned which means you need to do a RIGHT OUTER JOIN)
5. List all Categories (CategoryID, CategoryName) and all Products (ProductID, ProductName)
(Hint: Categories and Products have one-to-many relationship, and since all Categories and all Products is mentioned do a FULL OUTER JOIN)