
List of references at the end of the paper in bibliography


You will be required to submit a research paper of 4 pages. The research paper should address the topic listed below. The paper must include references from a minimum of four sources, no more than one of which may be a website. The sources used can include (but not be limited to) articles from the news, trade and scholarly press and books. The sources should be properly APA cited both at the point of citation within the body of the paper and in your list of references at the end of the paper in your bibliography. Please note that Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference source.

Choice of Topic:

•Unions Effect on Wages

Other Term Paper Requirements:

*Your paper should take a position on the chosen topic.

*Your paper must be typed (double-spaced in 12-point font) include the cover page from the syllabus as well as a bibliography (these do not count in the page count)

* You will use a minimum of 4 sources ie. magazine, book, website, periodical

*References (cite all references in your paper using APA format) on a Bibliography page.

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HR Management: List of references at the end of the paper in bibliography
Reference No:- TGS01946192

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