
List of open-end funds invested


1. Presentation:

(1) Each group (8 teams in a class) will make a 8-minute presentation, using PowerPoint (PPT) slides.

(2) All students in a group take turns in presentation.

(3) Please turn in your PowerPoint slide file on Canvas by one of your team members by the time that our class starts on the day of presentation.

(b) The printout of your PPT slides:

(1) The only written document you need to prepare for the project.
(2) Print "2 slides horizontal" on one page.
(3) Hand in at the beginning of the class for presenation.
(c) You do not need to sell your securities when you prepare the presentation.

(d) The PPT presentation should include at least 18 slides, covering:

(1) Class title, proejct title, and a list of team members
(2) Portfolio performance relative to S&P500 index over the investment period
(3) List of stocks invested (at least five stocks):

o at least one out of DJIA components
o at least one component stock from S&P 500, S&P MidCap 400, and S&P SmallCap 600 index, respectively.

(4) Most and least successful trades in stocks and reasons for investing in these securities (most important)
(5) Lessons taken from stock investing
(6) List of open-end funds invested (at least five open-end funds)
(7) Most and least successful trades in open-end funds and reasons for investing in these securities (most important)
(8) Lessons taken from open-end fund investing
(9) List of ETFs invested (at least five ETFs)
(10) Most and least successful trades in ETFs and reasons for investing in these securities (most important)
(11) Lessons taken from ETF investing
(12) List of closed-end funds invested (at least five closed-end funds)
(13) Most and least successful trades in closed-end funds and reasons for investing (most important)
(14) Lessons taken from closed-end fund investing
(15) List of Options invested (at least five options)
(16) Most and least successful trades in options and reasons for investing (most important)
(17) Lessons taken from options investing
(18) Sources of information

2. Guidelines and Learning expectations:

(a) Provide a professional justification for your trades.

(1) The students are expected to use several sources of information and trading strategies.
(2) Explain how you arrived at your conclusions about trades.
(3) The use of a diverse group of securities and the use of better research or application of concepts learn in this class will earn higher grading points.

(b) The mutual fund part should be as well diversified as possible. Thus, it is recommended investing in at least five mutual funds. Select, if possible, no-load mutual funds.

(c) Maintain a log of all transactions and reasons why you bought or sold that securities.

(d) Ensure that you select mutual funds based on one-, three- and five-year performance.

(1) For each fund, prepare a single table showing the following information:

o fund name;
o fund objective;
o fund characteristics such as value of assets under management, turnover, fees and loads, etc.
o total raw performance for the past 1-, 3- and 5- year .

(2) Detail in your presentation the reasons for your choice of the respective fund.

(3) Though you can trade the stocks very often, it is not recommended trading in and out of the mutual funds. Too many trades (i.e. day trading) or too few trades are not recommended. Construct a diversified portfolio that includes domestic and foreign securities.

3. Sources of information:
StockTrak, Wall Street Journal; Barron's, yahoo.finance.com; Morningstar; www.thestreet.com and other sources.

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Other Subject: List of open-end funds invested
Reference No:- TGS01947250

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