
List important details-facts-concise quotes from the text


Gather relevant events, quotes and details from the text/course that connect to the prompt.

Prompt: A strong leader supported by an expert group of advisors will guide a country to greatness. Giving uninformed citizens the responsibility of making decisions about critical issues would prove disastrous to the country.

Collect evidence from history or theory about governments and how they should be run. Consider the case studies and concepts we have studied in this unit on collectivism and individualism. No opinions. I need help coming up with 10 examples:

• Here's What (List important details/facts/concise quotes from the text)
• So What (Explain the meaning of the quote/fact/detail)
• Now What? (Connect the detail/fact/quote to the appropriate criteria and explain how it helps to answer the question).

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Other Subject: List important details-facts-concise quotes from the text
Reference No:- TGS03247295

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