
List four safety consideration for the home open


Manage Tenant Relationships, Manage Tenancy and End tenancy.

The Mystic Hills Case Scenario


You are working as a property manager at Mystic Hills Real Estate. The agency was appointed to manage 21 Sorcerer Street in Mystic Hills, on behalf of owners are Kate and Max Brown. 21 Sorcerer Street is a beautiful 4 x 2 family home with a double remote garage. It has ducted air conditioning, a larger garden shed and is close to public transport, the hospital and the shopping centre precinct. There are also a few good schools nearby. The property is offered for $550 per week with a bond of $2200 You comple a marketing plan and run a successful marketing campaign. Expressions of interest are now starting to filter into the agency.

Activity I: Tenant enquiries

A. List five questions you will ask interested parties when they contact the agency in response to your ad.

B. What information will you record about the interested parties in the tenant profile?

C. What information do you want to share with the interested parties at this stage of the application process?

D. What legislation must you be aware of when interacting with all prospective tenants?


You conduct a home open and meet with prospective tenants. The following individuals attend the home open. Jasmine Lim, a young professional who has moved to Perth form Hong Kong. She has no pets and is considering looking for a housemate. She has not lived in Australia before but says she has a good written reference from a Hong Kong agent. Louise and Martin Carter have a two year old golden cocker spaniel. They are very keen to move into the Mystic Hills areas to be near family and friends. The Carters are currently renting. Gina and Seth Perera have two teenage children and a Persian cat. They have just sold their home.

Activity II: Home opens

A. Detail your plan for the home open. Include your preparation, information to provide to each party and the features of the property you will highlight to each party.

B. List four safety consideration for the home open

C. Role play the home open with these prospective tenants. You need to ascertain their needs and wants in a property and explore whether they would be suitable tenants for 21 Sorcerer Street.


You have all interested parties complet an application to rent 21 Sorcerer Street Applicants include Louise and Martin Carter who compete an Application to Rent Residential premises,

Activity III: Tenancy application and selection

A. What are the most important considerations when assessing a tenancy application?

B. What might the consequences be if some of the information asked for in the Tenancy Application is not provided, and you do not follow up?

C. Why would you recommend Louise and Martin's application to Kate and Max for 21 Sorcerer Street?


After considering the Carter's application, along with two others received for the property, the Carter's are selected as the successful applicants. You prepar the lease agreement and arrange for Martin and Louise to sign the document, pay the required funds to start the tenancy.

Activity IV: After signing the Tenancy Agreement

Identify the tasks you would do after the signing of the Tenancy Agreement.

Activity V: Start of Louise and Martin's tenancy

List the information and resources you need to give to Louise and Martin at the start of the tenancy


Louise and Martin move into 21 Sorcerer Street. You set up the tenancy in the property management system in the office, recording key dates and reminders. The PCR is signed and returned and the bond is lodged with Bond Admin. The first routine inspection is scheduled six weeks after they move in. Everything is in order, but Baxter has been digging a few holes in the back yard, a few plants have been destroyed.

Activity VI: 21 Sorcerer Street, routine inspection

A. How much notice must you give tenants before an inspection and how many inspections can you do in a year?
B. Outline how you will respond to the situation.


The Carters sort out the garden and the tenancy progresses smoothly. Summer arrives and the air conditioning unit malfunctions. Louise sends you an urgent email.

Activity VII: Maintaining 21 Sorcerer Street

1. Is this an urgent repair?

2. How should you proceed?

3. Kate and Max want to ensure that 21 Sorcerer Street is well maintained. Creat a maintenance schedule for the property.

• Maintenance Schedule
• Maintenance activity
• Costs to lessor
• Justification for proposed activities
• Maintenance time schedule
• Benefit to lessor


Louise contacts your office with another request. They want a security system installed due to a recent spate of robberies in the area. This was not included in your maintenance schedule but you think that Max and Kate could be amenable to this request.

Activity VIII: 21 Sorcerer Tenant requests

A. Outlin how you will proceed with this request.

B. What are the tenants and lessors rights and obligations as per the RTA in this situation?


You print out an arrears report and discover that the Carters are a day late in paying their rent. This is an unusual occurrence as their tenancy has been progressing smoothly.

Activity IX: 21 Sorcerer Beaches and rent arrears

A. Outlin your response to this situation.

B. What happens if you discover this was an issue with the Carters direct debit and the payment is made?

C. Creat an action plan should Max and Kate instruct you to end this tenancy if the rent remains unpaid.

D. List three other breaches which could result in the end of a tenancy


Assume that the issue with the rent was easily resolved due to a minor issue with the direct debit. You receive a lease renewal reminder for 21 Sorcerer Street, 90 days before the end of the tenancy. The tenants are wanting to renew the lease

Activity X: 21 Sorcerer Renewal

A. List the actions you will take at this time to renew this lease


All parties are happy to renew the lease for an additional six months. You process the renewal The tenancy progresses. 30 days before the end of this lease, the Carters send you an email notifying you of their intention to vacate at the end of the lease.

Activity XI: 21 Sorcerer The vacate process

A. Respond to this email informing Louise and Martin of their responsibilities at this time.

B. Creat a checklist for yourself to arrange the end of this tenancy.

C. Outlin how you would negotiate with Louise and Martin should there be a stain on the carpet identified during the final inspection which was not present on the initial PCR. They maintain it is fair wear and tear.

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Business Management: List four safety consideration for the home open
Reference No:- TGS03225791

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