
List four examples of source data automation briefly

Systems Design Assignment

1. Discuss at length the concerns and issues related to outsourcing.

2. What are the advantages of purchasing a software package, as opposed to developing one from scratch?

3. Describe the relationship between logical and physical design.

4. Briefly describe (including examples in your answer) at least six of the types of data validation checks into the input process.

5. List at least 11 guidelines for designing data entry screens, providing examples where appropriate.

6. List four examples of source data automation.

7. Briefly describe (including examples in your answer) at least six of the common coding methods.

8. List at least 6 guidelines for developing a code.

9. Four kinds of problems are found with 1NF designs that do not exist in 2NF. What are they?

10. During the final design stage, you make decisions that will have a major impact on the initial costs and TCO for the new system. At this point, you should review all previous cost estimates and ask a series of questions. List at least six of the questions you should ask at this point.

11. List at least five guidelines for developing an e-commerce site in-house.

12. Discuss cloud computing at length, including its advantages and disadvantages. Be sure to include a definition of all relevant terms in your explanation

13. Discuss agile development including definitions of the following terms in your answer: user story, release plan, iteration cycle, iteration planning meeting, parallel programming, and test-driven design.

14. List at least five of the objectives of system testing.

15. What is system changeover? Discuss in detail at least three of the changeover options, and compare the options.

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Dissertation: List four examples of source data automation briefly
Reference No:- TGS02437784

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