
List four examples of black agency with name of the person

List four examples of black agency with name of the person and the specific action. Black agency when African Americans act for themselves instead of being acted upon despite injustices in society.

Give one example of racial baptism. Be sure to include the name of the individual and describe the specific event. Racial baptism, for the black person during the age of Jim Crow, occurred when that person would first come to the realization of their blackness.

Give one example of double consciousness. Be sure to include the name of the individual and describe the specific event. Double consciousness is the ability for African American males to see themselves through their own eyes (as African Americans) while always considering how they are being perceived through the eyes of European Americans. (10 points)

Give one example of triple consciousness. Be sure to include the name of the individual and describe the specific event. Triple consciousness is the ability for African American females to see themselves through their own eyes (as African Americans) while always considering how they are being perceived through the eyes of European Americans and a society dominated by males.

Give one example of black individualism. Be sure to include the name of the individual and describe the specific event. Black individualism is defined as an African American who desires to be "...valued and appreciated as gifted individual[s] rather than as a gifted African American[s]..."

Give one example of otherization. Be sure to include the name of the individual and describe the specific event. Otherization is a term historians, anthropologists, and other social scientists use to describe the innate ability of humans/societies to create an acceptable uniformity by devaluing those who are unwilling or unable to conform to the ideal.

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History: List four examples of black agency with name of the person
Reference No:- TGS02788062

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