List fixed assets that they might purchase to run business

Discussion Post: Fixed Asset

• Identify a type of company in your pathway that might purchase fixed assets (see suggestions below).

• List 5 fixed assets that they might purchase to run their business.

• Select one depreciable fixed asset. Based on research suggest what the cost, residual value and estimated life might be for that fixed asset.

• Using your assumptions above, calculate:

o Straight-line depreciation and book value for each of the first two years
o Declining Balance depreciation and book value for each of the first two years
o Units of Production depreciation (make assumptions about the first two year's use), and book value for each of the first two years.

• Suggest which depreciation method might be more appropriate and why.

The response must include a reference list. Using one-inch margins, double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

Examples of sectors/industries in pathways could be:

o AHCD: Media, Dance, Theater, Film production, Graphics design or Architecture

o Business: Tourism/Leisure, Telecommunications, Retailers, Computers, Equipment, Food and Beverage Products, Real Estate, Technology Hardware, Toys, Commercial Services, Financial Services, any business is acceptable

o Education: Non-Profit Services, Public Agency, Child care, Charter schools, Universities

o Health Sciences: Health Care Services, Healthcare Products, Hospital, Household Products, Chemicals

o IMCT: Aviation, Construction, Construction Materials, Logistics, Automotive, Mining

o Public Safety: Equipment providers for the industry, Public Agency, Non-Profit Services

o STEM: Engineering, Computers. Chemicals, Energy, Energy Utilities, Technology Hardware

o SGSHS: Healthcare Services, Non-Profit Services, Media, Public Agency.

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Accounting Basics: List fixed assets that they might purchase to run business
Reference No:- TGS03072105

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