
List five additional air quality topics that could serve as


List five additional air quality topics that could serve as the basis for a research paper. Why are they of interest to you? What is their significance? How are they important? Combine your Unit II list of five topics with your new list of five topics and their accompanying explanation, upload. Be sure to indicate which topics are new and which are old.

The first 5 are listed below. References required

Air pollution and the health hazards that are born of it have become a serious after accumulating concern for people all around the world. One important concern is the effect of lead and cadmium pollution on the development of children. It is the first of the five topics related to air pollution which I have selected. The effects of these two heavy metals on children's health can be severe. Their presence in the blood of the children can be damaging for their locomotor system. Lead in the bones forms lead phosphate which reduces bone mass and strength. It is s a serious concern as it can negatively impact the morphological and functional development of the young children. (Mynarski, 2011)

Another important topic that is of high concern with relation to air pollution is the impact of Bhopal disaster. The Bhopal disaster gave rise to serious regulatory concerns for the global community. Bhopal is a city in India which saw this disaster. The union carbide plant at Bhopal released large amounts of methyl isocyanate into air that killed more than 3000 people in just 6 hours and other more than 500,000 were exposed. Such disasters are a serious concern and should not repeat. (CNRE, n.d.)

Air pollution and its effects on buildings is also a very important concern for us. We already know how acid rain can be harmful for buildings. It is principally the sulphur di oxide and nitrogen oxides in the acid rain which are harmful. These are generally released from meth emissions from the burning of coal and oil. The deposition of acids from acid rain leads to corrosion of building materials. The burning fossil fuels are adding to the acid rain content and it is also a very serious concern for people across the globe. (Air-quality, n.d.)

A very important concern related to air pollution is that of the effect of indoor pollution on people's health. Sources of indoor air pollution generally include solid fuels, tobacco smoke, improper maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning system etc. The problem is even severe in the case of developing countries where families burn solid fuel for cooking. Indoor air pollution is also a major source of respiratory diseases and an important concern for many developing countries. (WHO, n.d.)

The fifth important topic of interest related to air pollution is the carcinogenic effects of air pollution. We know that sir pollution is a major cause of cancer around the world. The air we breathe has a variety of cancer causing substance mixed in it which is a very serious concern for all across the globe. A large number of lung cancer cases result from the rising air pollution level. Moreover, it is a global problem and we need to be seriously concerned to bring it down. (Brumfield, 2013).

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