
List divine promises that god makes to abraham

Assignment Part 1:

A. List four of the six divine promises that God makes to Abraham and his descendants as listed in the Harris textbook.

B. The Introduction to the Catholic Study Bible lists three vantage points for reading and studying the Bible. What are they? Which of these vantage points lends itself best to a group activity?

Assignment Part 2:

A. The Hebrew Bible / Old Testament was originally written in the language of ____________ while the Christian New Testament was originally written in the language of _____________

B. The Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek for Jewish and, later, Christian readers. What was the Greek version of the Hebrew Bible called?

C. There are two creation stories in the first chapters of the book of Genesis in the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament.The Hebrew name for God in the first creation story is _____________ and the Hebrew name for God in the second creation story is _____________.

D. Covenants are important in the Hebrew Bible. Which covenant of the following is both bilateral and conditional?When God appears to Moses in Exodus 3 and Exodus 6, these appearances as best described as a:

E. The Egyptian pharoah that the Harris text posits had to deal with Moses and his demands for freedom was most likely:

F. What translation of the Bible is used for the Catholic Study Bible 3rd Edition?

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