Assignment Task:
Since the Covid-19 pandemic, Steve (44 yrs.) and Rose (42 yrs.) 's careers have taken a drastic turn. Steve is currently the main money maker for the family unit and his high level position has made him remote worker, leaving Steve to spend most days in his home in the living room working on the computer. This has started blurring the line of work mode and family man for Steve. Rose had worked full time and was an active member of school's PTA until the shut-down. During the shutdown, the family discussed Rose returning to school. She currently attends a prestigious graduate school studying clinical psychology and also works two 10-hour days as a hairstylist. Ryan (15 yrs.) and Logan (13 yrs.) feel that their parents are normally happy, but have been arguing more and more. Ryan and Logan also feel that their parents have not been has present at sporting games and practices. The problem in this case study is that the family is losing its once very strong relationship. Ryan and Logan want a strong bond with their parents, even as they feel a lack of effort to change from their parents. Ryan and Logan have tried to talk about their problems with Steve and Rose, but they respond with annoyance and excuses. The family has come to therapy to identify their issue and begin to shape their behaviors into something that will result in a stronger relationship. List 5 circular questions you might ask to "test" the initial hypothesis?