
List at least five characteristics of god


Topic: Study Guide

Answers below each question.

List the three Christian views of creation as given in the lecture, and a brief description of each.

The concept that humanity is created in the image of God may refer to a number of things. List four: two covered in the textbook and two covered in the lecture.

What are the similarities between the scenes in Revelation 21:1-4 and the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2?

According to the lecture, what is meant when we say God is sovereign?

List at least five characteristics of God emphasized in Psalm 145.

List three reasons for seeing humanity as the pinnacle of God's creation.

How does the textbook describe the Garden of Eden?

How would you describe the nature of work God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden?

Summarize Proverbs 9:10.

Summarize God's statements in Genesis 2:16-18.

What does the textbook say about the involvement of the Trinity in creation?

List the four basic "acts" of the overarching biblical story.

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