
List at least 5 significant differences between the


Re-write the answer in APA without using bullrts, numbers or Tables. Just use a continuous prose essay. Incude citations and Reference Page.

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Select two of the following OS; avoid combinations that your classmates have picked already:

• Windows
• Unix and/or Linux
• MAC OS (is actually Unix/Linux style in how it looks, but behaves differently)
• Other open source
• Other closed source

For your selected OS:

• List at least 5 significant differences between the two. You may consider their history, architecture, platform, installation, uses/features, standards, components, impact, usability, compatibility, access, support, stability, performance, software development, security, or other characteristics.

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

• Which one is better? Defend your choice.

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Operating System: List at least 5 significant differences between the
Reference No:- TGS01516366

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