List and explain the family members of nosql database

Discussion Question:

Distinguish between SQL and NoSQL.

Discuss the various database members of NoSQL.

Discussion Requirements:

What is SQL? What is NoSQL?

What are the distinguishing characteristics of SQL and NoSQL.

List and explain the family members of NoSQL database.

*Why is NoSQL an ideal database type for Big Data Analytics? - This is the key part of this discussion.

Let me provide you with one of the NoSQL family members - Document Database.

In this type, a key is paired with a set of data (or value) called Document.

A group of documents with their respective keys is called Collection.

A classic example of Document Database is MongoDB.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Database Management System: List and explain the family members of nosql database
Reference No:- TGS02995763

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