
List and describe the life experiences of either a child



You will complete four Article Reviews this term. For each review, you will read an article and answer two to three essay questions on a separate document and upload it into Canvas. Answer each question separately and number each response. Most questions are worth 5 points, but some are worth 10 points. For 5-point questions, respond in 1-2 paragraphs. For 10-point questions, respond in 2-3 paragraphs.

Read Diverging Development and answer the following questions:

The file is a PDF, so you need Adobe to download and open it. Alternatively, you can read it in Canvas by clicking on the paper and magnifying glass icon next to the document name.

1. Summarize the article. Be sure to mention how the author illustrates the social construction of classism.

2. List and describe the life experiences of either a child growing up in an advantaged family OR a child growing up in a disadvantaged family. Provide five examples, including explicit examples of experiences in the prenatal development, childhood, and early adulthood.

For Question #2, put your answers in a bulleted list. Mimic the following format:

Child Growing Up in an Advantaged Family (or Child Growing Up in a Disadvantaged Family)

• 1st advantaged experience: a 1-3 sentence description of the advantage/disadvantage
• 2nd advantaged experience: a 1-3 sentence description of the advantage/disadvantage
• 3rd advantaged experience: a 1-3 sentence description of the advantage/disadvantage
• 4th advantaged experience: a 1-3 sentence description of the advantage/disadvantage
• 5th advantaged experience: a 1-3 sentence description of the advantage/disadvantage

Furstenberg, Jr., F. (2010). Diverging development: The not-so-invisible hand of social class in the United States. In B.J. Risman (Ed.), families as they really are (pp. 276-294). New York: W.W. Norton & Co.

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