1. How do information systems help businesses complete globally?
• Describe how globalization has increases opportunities for businesses.
• List and describe four main ways of organizing a business internationally and the types of systems configuration for global business organizations.
1. Domestic exporter:
2. Multinational:
3. Franchiser:
4. Transnational:
2. what is the role of business process management (BPM) in enhancing competitiveness?
• Define BPM and explain how it helps firms become more competitive.
• Distinguish between BPM and business process reengineering (BPR)
• List and describe the steps companies should take to make sure BRM is successful.
1. Identify process for change:
2. Analyze existing process:
3. Design the new process:
4. Implement the new process:
5. Continuous measurement:
3. How do supply chain management systems coordinate planning production, and logistics with suppliers?
• Define a supply chain and identify each of its components.
• Explain how supply chain management systems help reduce be bullwhip effect and how they provide value for a business.
• Define and compare supply chain planning systems and supply chain execution systems.
• Describe the challenges of global supply chains and how Internet technology can help companies manage them better.
• Distinguish between a push-based and a pull-based model of supply chain management and explain how contemporary supply chain management systems facilitate a pull-based model.
4. what are challenges that enterprise applications pose and how are enterprise applications taking advantage of new technologies?
• List and describe the challenges enterprise applications pose.
• Explain how these challenges can be addressed.
• How are enterprise applications taking advantage of SOA, web services, open source software, and wireless technology?
• Define social CRM and explain how customer relationship management systems and using social networking.