
List and describe at least three measures of quality

Assignment 1: Qualities, Value, and Delivery of Feedback for the Client

The feedback that you provide the client is of great importance to the success of a consulting intervention. Only when the client understands the feedback you provided will the client act upon it.

On the basis of the course text and articles from the University online library resources, understand the qualities, value, and delivery of feedback for a client and respond to the following:

1. Describe the steps of a generic feedback cycle.

2. Make the feedback steps specific to consulting and explain your revisions.

3. List and describe at least three measures of quality feedback. Provide your rationale for selecting these measures.

4. Describe a few strategies for dealing with resistance to feedback.

Submission Details:

By the due date assigned, post your responses to this Discussion Area. Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA format); and use accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Assignment 2: Strategies for Helping a Client Overcome Resistance

In this assignment, you will discuss strategies for helping a client accept feedback that is provided as part of the organizational assessment.

As you know, sometimes it is hard for a client to accept his or her issues and areas of concern from an outsider. In this assignment, you will discuss some of the reasons for clients to resist feedback and be resistant to change.

Specifically, you will complete the following:

1. On the basis of your readings, explain why leaders are sometimes resistant to feedback.

2. Discuss ways you can identify resistance. What kinds of behaviors can a client display that would indicate he or she is resistant to feedback?

3. On the basis of your readings from the text, articles, and other research, describe some strategies a consultant can use for overcoming resistance.

4. Discuss skills and traits that would be important for a consultant to use to help a client overcome resistance.

Submission Details:

Your response should rely upon at least two sources from professional literature. This may include the University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov).

Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA format); and use accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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Dissertation: List and describe at least three measures of quality
Reference No:- TGS02866497

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