
List all of the aspects of your identity that you feel

Question: Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. One of the references must come from Sue, D. W., & Sue, D. (2016). I need this completed by 04/29/18 at 5pm.

At this point in the course, you should have begun reviewing the guidelines and grading criteria for your final projects. Please note: SCHOLARSHIP is the largest part of the grading criteria for this assignment, and you are expected to research the topic or cultural area you are addressing in this paper. If you only rely on the course materials, you will not earn high marks in the area of scholarship. SO, if your interviewee identified as Muslim, for example, you are expected to find library articles that address this spiritual practice. If your interviewee identifies as a member of the LGBT community, you should be reading articles that help you to understand this better and include reflections and scholarly support in this area. If you interview someone who identifies as bi-racial, then research should be included that explores this. I hope this makes sense. Please contact me BEFORE the assignment is due if you need assistance with this. You need to have at least 4 outside professional resources written within the past 5 years in order to receive the maximum points for the scholarship portion of your paper.

Final Project Guidelines: For your Final Project, you select an individual you do not know well to interview (e.g., classmate, coworker, neighbor). This individual must be different from you in at least two of the following ways: race and/or ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.

The Final Project is a 4- to 6-page narrative that includes the following components:

1. Summary of the Interview:

Use the questions below as a base for your interview, and feel free to ask your subject additional questions as needed:

• List all of the aspects of your identity that you feel comfortable sharing. (If the interviewee has difficulty understanding the term identity, provide some examples such as race and/or ethnicity, gender, or religion. Try to get as complete a personal history as possible to fill in the subject's profile.

• Of those aspects, what is the one identity that you think is most important or most salient and why?

• What identity is the second most important to you and why?

• Which identity do you spend the least amount of time thinking about and why?

• Think about your most important identity. What messages did you receive about that aspect of your identity during your childhood/adolescence? What messages have you received about that aspect of your identity as an adult?

• Considering the most salient identity for you, in what ways are you similar or different from other individuals who share the same identity?

2. Create a profile

• Using the ADDRESSING format, create a profile of the individual, including a summary of the interview questions.

• Explain the individual's cultural worldview.

3. Summation

• Explain how this individual's cultural worldview is similar to or different from what you know about this individual's cultural group. Did you have any preconceived notions that you had to reevaluate after the interview? Did you find any inconsistencies between your experience and what you have read in the Learning Resources?

• Explain how this interview illustrates the complexity of identity.

• What implications does this interview have for a future counseling interaction you might have with someone who represents a culture/identity similar to this interviewee's? What have you learned that you might apply in your future work with clients?

In a 4- to 6-page paper (Note: title page and reference pages do not count toward total page count). A typed transcription of the interview is not required as a part of the paper.

Provide an analysis of your interview by addressing all components outlined in these guidelines and support your findings with appropriate literature. Be sure to use APA format and correct grammar and spelling.

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Dissertation: List all of the aspects of your identity that you feel
Reference No:- TGS02724698

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