
List all of the actions you would take to increase the

Questions -

Q1. The Federal Government decides to make another investment to promote the development of health information exchange. They want to allocate $500M. They want to learn from their previous investments in the State HIE program and the Beacon Community program. Based on what you have learned in class, provide your recommendation to the following questions.

a. Part 1: What organizations should receive the $500M and what should these organizations have to do to earn the funding? Consider the interoperability goals of the ONC Interoperability Roadmap and the Federal HIT Strategic Plan.

b. Part 2: Should this $500M investment replace Meaningful Use Stage 3 or be used to complement Meaningful Use Stage 3? Why?

Q2. You are hired to run a new Medicare Accountable Care Organization (ACO) in Indianapolis. The ACO involves multiple health systems, a long term care organization, and a large independent physician network.

a. Part 1: What interoperability actions will you implement in your ACO to provide the best care at the lowest cost? Be specific and reference content from this course.

b. Part 2: What analytic efforts would you implement to get knowledge from the information you collect about your ACO patients? Why would you take that approach?

Q3. One of the largest IT purchases in healthcare is an electronic medical record (EMR). The CEO has made you responsible for coordinating the acquisition of the EMR.

a. Part 1: What did you learn from this course to guide you in this effort? Describe the specific actions you would take to guide the hospital in this multi-million dollar investment.

b. Part 2: What structure will you put in place to convince the CEO that the purchase was a good investment for the hospital a year after it is implemented?

Q4. You are responsible for getting bonus payments from CMS for an Indianapolis hospital participating in the Comprehensive Joint Replacement (CJR) program. This requires you to provide highly effective care for hip and knee replacement procedures. To do this, you will need to manage information systems effectively.

a. Part 1: What IT would you recommend implementing at your hospital for your joint replacement patients?

b. Part 2: Assuming your IT program is successful for the CJR program after the first year, what recommendations would you make to the CEO? Why?

Q5. Approximately two thirds of large hospital IT projects are considered failures. You are hired to be the project manager for a two million dollar IT software project.

a. Part 1: List all of the actions you would take to increase the likelihood that the software project will be deemed successful.

b. Part 2: While completing the project on time and within budget are important indicators of a successful project, what are other indicators that the completed software project was successful? Reference content we discussed in class.

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Dissertation: List all of the actions you would take to increase the
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