
List a minimum of six sources which you have found to be


Academic English Skills Coursework 1 (a): Source Evaluation and Essay Outline

Part 1: Sources

List a minimum of SIX sources which you have found to be reliable and appropriate for academic use which are relevant to your essay title.

1. Hamilton, W. (1980). Electric automobiles: energy, environmental, and economic prospects for the future.

2. Husain, I. (2003). Electric and hybrid vehicles: design fundamentals. CRC press.

3. Heinicke, M., & Wagenhaus, G. (2015). Sustainability in the car-based mobility: the case of the electric vehicle Editha. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 9(1), 105-119.

4. Helmers, E., Dietz, J., & Hartard, S. (2015). Electric car life cycle assessment based on real-world mileage and the electric conversion scenario. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 22(1), 15-30.

5. Helmers, E., & Marx, P. (2012). Electric cars: technical characteristics and environmental impacts. Environmental Sciences Europe, 24(1), 14.

6. PR Newswire, 2014. Go Motor Trade Investigates the Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Cars

Part 2: Source Evaluation[Explanation of why you have selected the sources for use.]

Complete the table below for FOUR of the sources you have found.


Reference: Husain, I. (2003). Electric and hybrid vehicles: design fundamentals. CRC press

Why have you chosen this source? Refer to the currency, authority, purpose, reliability of evidence or data, objectivity, use of expected academic conventions.

Currency: The book was published in 2003 and was revised in 2010 to incorporate the significant technological advances that occurred since the publication of the first edition.

Authority: The author of the book is Husain Iqbal and is published by CRC Press. Dr. Husain is a distinguished professor at North Carolina State University.

Purpose: The book is written for engineering students to provide illustrations of the advances the automobile companies are making in order to produce environmental friendly vehicles such as electric and hybrid vehicles.

Reliability of data: Being a scholarly book meant for students, the source has reliable information and is detailed enough to help in the discussion of advantages and disadvantages of electric cars.

Objectivity: The source provides the information in a balanced and fair way using facts, examples and mathematical illustrations to support its content.

Use of academic conventions: The source cites all the supporting evidence and the reader can clearly find and evaluate the sources of the work.

How is the source relevant to your title? What are the useful points / arguments made in the text?

The source provides illustrations of the advances the automobile companies are making in order to produce environmental friendly vehicles such as electric and hybrid vehicles. This will provide me with a comprehensive analysis to understand the impact of electric cars on the society as well as the environment.


1. Reference: Helmers, E., Dietz, J., & Hartard, S. (2015). Electric car life cycle assessment based on real-world mileage and the electric conversion scenario. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 22(1), 15-30.

Why have you chosen this source? Refer to the currency, authority, purpose, reliability of evidence or data, objectivity, use of expected academic conventions.

Currency: The information was first published in 2015 and updated in 2017.

Authority: Johannes Dietz- Department of Environmental Planning and Technology, Birkenfeld Germany.

Susanne Hartard - Department of Environmental Business and Law Department, Birkenfeld Germany. The article is published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Purpose: To carry out an investigation to determine the environmental advantage of the electric car.

Reliability: The information was developed based on material data from lab measurements and mixed driving conditions. The information has also been reviewed to update the content and provide more supporting evidence.

Objectivity: The data was grounded upon Ecoinvent database and was analyzed on the basis of extracted materials.

Use of academic conventions: The citations and references are clearly started and the information can be verified from other sources.

How is the source relevant to your title? What are the useful points / arguments made in the text?

The project aims to investigate the consequences of electric vehicles on the environmental impact and the real-world energy consumption. It provides important points on the advantages and disadvantages of an electric car to the environment and the users.


Reference: Helmers, E., & Marx, P. (2012). Electric cars: technical characteristics and environmental impacts. Environmental Sciences Europe, 24(1), 14.

Why have you chosen this source? Refer to the currency, authority, purpose, reliability of evidence or data, objectivity, use of expected academic conventions.

Currency: The article was first published in 2012 and revised in 2017.

Authority: The authors are Eckard Helmers and Patrick Marx, from the department of Environmental analysis at Environment Campus Birkenfeld.

Purpose: The purpose of the article is to review and assess the environmental impact and energy efficiency of battery electric cars.

Reliability: The article was based on valid data gathered from practical performed in Environmental Campus Birkenfeld involving battery electric cars and internal combustion engine vehicles.

Objectivity: The authors are fair and moderate in their presentation

Use of academic conventions: The citations and references are clearly stated and provide adequate evidence to support the arguments presented.

How is the source relevant to your title? What are the useful points / arguments made in the text?

The purpose of the article is to review and assess the environmental impact and energy efficiency of battery electric cars and internal combustion engine vehicles. It provides a compressive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the technology of the electric cars and how they contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions.


Reference: Heinicke, M., & Wagenhaus, G. (2015). Sustainability in the car-based mobility: the case of the electric vehicle Editha. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 9(1), 105-119.

Why have you chosen this source? Refer to the currency, authority, purpose, reliability of evidence or data, objectivity, use of expected academic conventions.

Currency: The article was written in 2015 and has not been revised since then.

Authority: The article is authored by Heinicke Matthias and Wagenhaus Gerd, both from Institute of Ergonomics, Manufacturing Systems, and Automation, Otto Von Guericke University.

Purpose: The article aims to analyze the production and use of energy for mobility as a decisive factor in the future development of sustainable mobility.

Reliability: The article is based on information gathered from a research conducted in Guericke University that converted a conventional car into an electric car to determine its sustainability and energy efficiency.

Objectivity: The source provides the information in a balanced and fair way using facts, and illustrations to support its content.

Use of academic conventions: The source cites all the supporting evidence and the reader can clearly find and evaluate the sources of the work.

How is the source relevant to your title? What are the useful points / arguments made in the text?

The article aims to analyze the production and use of energy for mobility as a decisive factor in the future development of sustainable mobility. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the conversion of a conventional car into an electric car to determine its sustainability and energy efficiency.

Part 3: Essay Outline


Electric Cars

Introduction: The electric car abbreviated as EV is a new model in the world of automobile industry. The car is designed to use electricity while some companies have also designed hybrid cars that use both electricity and gas (Hamilton, 1980). The model is meant to not only save money on fuel but also to contribute towards a stable and healthy environment.

Your position / thesis statement: The technology of electric vehicles has been identified as a significant factor in energy consumption and reduction of CO2 emissions in the automobile industry. The purpose of this article is to assess the advantages and disadvantages of electric cars in relation to energy efficiency, sustainability, and environmental impact.

Paragraph 1: Purpose

Topic sentence: Advantages of electric cars

Main Point /Supporting points / Evidence, example or data / in-text citation [information prominent]

Basically, vehicles produce a lot of carbon emissions that are released into the natural atmosphere leading to harmful effects such as acidic rain, greenhouse effect, and air pollution which cause diseases such as cancer and skin problems. The invention of the electric car is a great step towards the creation of a healthy environment. Although one requires a lot of money to invest in an electric vehicle, its advantages greatly overshadow the disadvantages, especially due to its environmental-friendly features (Heinicke & Wagenhaus, 2015). The government also provides subsidies to individuals who buy electric cars because of being environmentally conscious.

Paragraph 2: Purpose

Topic sentence: Advantages of electric cars

Main Point /Supporting points / Evidence, example or data / in-text citation [information prominent]

Electric cars are a great way to save money. The cars are installed with rechargeable batteries which provide them with power for propelling the car and the functioning of lights and wipers. Therefore, they do not require any gas which will lead to more savings as an average American spends about $2,000 to $4,000 on gas annually (Helmers, Dietz & Hartard, 2015). In addition, they do not consumer a lot o fuel which will save the owner a lot of money that is normally spent on fuel based cars especially when prices of fuel go up. Electric cars also get great incentives from the government which leads to more savings.

Paragraph 3: Purpose

Topic sentence: Advantages of electric cars

Main Point /Supporting points / Evidence, example or data / in-text citation [information prominent]

Another benefit of electric cars is that they require low maintenance cost because their engines are electrically powered and does not need any lubricants. Additionally, there is no need for expensive engine work which further brings down the maintenance cost. Another great thing about the cars is that they are fitted with safety features which protect the driver and passengers from serious injuries in case an accident occurs. These features include airbags and cutting of electricity supply from the battery to stop combustion.

Paragraph 4: Purpose

Topic sentence: Disadvantages of electric cars

Main Point /Supporting points / Evidence, example or data / in-text citation [information prominent]

The main disadvantage of electric cars is that they have limited mileage range. Chevrolet Volt is said to go up to 40 miles per gallon with an alternative gas engine of up to 300 miles and the Nissan Leaf travel about a 100 miles on a single charge. They also lack power to accelerate and climb quickly compared to fuel based and gas powered vehicles (Helmers & Marx, 2012).

Paragraph 5: Purpose

Topic sentence: Disadvantages of electric cars

Main Point /Supporting points / Evidence, example or data / in-text citation [information prominent]

Another main problem with electric powered cars is that they require a charging system. A network of charging stations located strategically is required, especially when travelling for long distances. Also the recharging is not efficient since it takes about 3 hours which may cause delays along the journey (Husain, 2003).

Paragraph 6: Purpose

Topic sentence: Disadvantages of electric cars

Main Point /Supporting points / Evidence, example or data / in-text citation [information prominent]

The cars are relatively expensive compared to fuel based and gasoline powered vehicles within the same range. Chevrolet Volt is estimated to cost about $40,000 while Nissan Leaf costs about $33,000 The insurance rates of the vehicles are also estimated to be higher compared to other vehicles because of the problems associated with the cars such as electricity risks, the danger of running out of power in an unsafe place and the higher costs of the cars (PR Newswire, 2014).

[Add additional paragraphs as required]

Although electric cars have been identified as a significant factor in energy consumption and reduction of CO2 emissions in the automobile industry, the toxicity of the batteries installed in the car is still a concern that needs to be addressed. In addition, the cars have a long way to go before they get into the mainstream as engineers continue to discover new technologies that will improve the power of the electric car to make it more efficient.


Summary of main points:

The electric cars are a new model in the world of automobile industry designed to use electricity in order to save money on fuel and gas and contribute towards a stable and healthy environment. The technology has been identified as a significant factor in energy consumption and reduction of CO2 emissions in the automobile industry. The cars are installed with rechargeable batteries that provide them with power; hence they consume less fuel helping to save money. However, the cars have limited mileage range and require a network of charging stations especially when travelling for long distances. Such stations are not readily available across the country. The engineers, however, are developing new technologies in order to improve the efficiency of the cars.

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