
Liquidity risk management by nbfc

Q1. What do you mean by private equity?

Q2. Describe the frame work of NBFCs beneath the RBI guidelines. Describe the Prudential Norms applicable to the NBFCs?

Q3. Write down the regulatory provisions relating to the NBFCs? Give an account of the deposit directions of RBI.

Q4. Explain how the RBI directions have ensured the interest rate and liquidity risk management by the NBFCs?

Q5. What do you mean by Merchant Banker? Write down the categories as given in the SEBI regulations?

Q6. Write down an account of the code of conduct for merchant banker.

Q7. Illustrate the meaning of Venture Capital financing, Venture capitalist and the venture capital adventuring?

Q8. Describe the exit rates available to the venture capital?

Q9. Describe the SEBI guidelines relating to the Venture capital funds? Give the details of tax aspects of the Venture Capital.

Q10. Define the term Portfolio Manager. Describe their responsibilities?

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Financial Management: Liquidity risk management by nbfc
Reference No:- TGS012946

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