
Liquidity analysis airspot motors inc has 2433200 in

-(Liquidity analysis) Airspot Motors, Inc. has $2,433,200 in current assets and $869,000 in current liabilities. The company's managers want to increase the firm's inventory, which will be financed using short-term debt. How much can the firm increase its inventory without its current ratio falling below 2.1 (assuming all other assets and current liabilities remain constant)? (Round to one decimal place.)

-(Efficiency analysis) Baryla Inc. manufactures high quality decorator lamps in a plant located in eastern Tennessee. Last year the firm had sales of $93 million and a gross profit margin of 45 percent.

a. How much inventory can Baryla hold and still maintain an inventory turnover ratio of at least 6.3 times? (Round to one decimal place.)

b. Currently, some of Baryla's inventory includes $2.3 million of outdated and damaged goods that simply remain in inventory and are not salable. What inventory ratio must the good inventory maintain in order to achieve an overall turnover ratio of at least 6.3 (including the unsalable items)? (Round to one decimal place.)

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Financial Management: Liquidity analysis airspot motors inc has 2433200 in
Reference No:- TGS02159228

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