
Liquid water in the cylinder is initially in equilibrium

Consider a cylinder piston system (the diagram looks like a cup with a disc as the piston and it is resting on 2 stoppers that portrude from the sides of the cup to hold this piston disc as a certain mimimum height. There is water below and inside the cup/cylinder. The water volume is insignificant and unmarked, just a rough representative line. The piston disc is free to move up.) The piston, made of steel (density of steel is = to 7750 kg/cubic meter) has a diameter of 10 cm and a thickness of h=5cm. The piston is resting on stoppers. Liquid water in the cylinder is initially in equilibrium with it's vapour at tempurature of 12 degrees celsius. Assume no other gases are present. If heat is supplied, the tempurature of the water/vapour mix will rise. At what tempurature will the piston start moving up?

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Chemistry: Liquid water in the cylinder is initially in equilibrium
Reference No:- TGS0907963

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