Linked list representations contain great advantages of flexibility on the contiguous representation of data structures. However, they contain few disadvantages also. Data structures organized as trees contain a wide range of advantages in several applications and it is best suitable for the problems associated to information retrieval.
These data structures let the insertion, searching and deletion of node in the ordered list to be gained in the minimum amount of time.
The data structures that we primarily discuss in this unit are AVL trees, Binary Search Trees and B-Trees. We cover only basics of these data structures in this unit. Some of these trees are special cases of other trees & Trees are with a large number of applications in real life.
After learning this unit, you must be able to
- know the basics of Binary Search trees;
- carry out different operations on the Binary Search Trees;
- understand the concept of AVL trees;
- understand the concept of B-trees, and
- Perform several operations on B-trees.