
Linked list-priority queue for clinic patients registration

Assignment Project: Clinic Patients Registration (with GUI)

Assignment Requirements:

1) Need both LinkedList & Priority Queue used (use built in).

2) This is VERY IMPORTANT - please use COMMENTS throughout the application explaining EVERYTHING (not just a comment here and there). Need to explain/present this on final class day.

3) Please keep code as simple as possible.

4) Need this app to use GUI.

Assignment Details:

Class PatientInfo to ask patients for the below:

·         patientName

·         patientAge

·         patientGender

·         patientAddress

·         patientPhone#

·         patientsID#

Medical condition they are seen for (cold, asthma....etc) - THIS SHOULD BE TIED UP TO PRIORITY QUEUE. When patient enters one of the conditions below, it should automatically assign them a priority number.

QueueNumber (we need to assign a queue number for each patient to use FIFO)

Driver for PatientInfo to use both Data Structures (LinkedList & PriorityQueue) as follows:

LinkedList (use Built-in) (we need to be able to add patients, update, remove, display patient info and search as well as sort patient by name)

PriorityQueue: Every patient has a priority associated with him. This needs to be built such that every condition has its own priority:

Patients with cold/fever should be on a lower priority than those complaining of chest pain for example.

Priorities defined below:

Cold/fever = low priority (3)

Chest Pain = high priority (1)

Back Pain = medium priority (2)

Allergies = low priority (1)

Depression = medium priority (2)

Stroke = High priority (1)

A patient with high priority condition is dequeued before a patient with low priority medical condition.

If two patients have the same priority, they are served according to their order in the queue.

If a patient with low priority has not been seen for more than an hour, his priority is bumped to a high priority.

When a patient is seen, then need removed from the queue.

Need the project to be built using Java GUI (use built in).

Need java docs - COMMENTS for all code (i need to explain everything to the instructor on the presentation day), Please explain everything you use.

Keep the code simple and at 2 year college level.

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Tags: Linked List and Priority Queue Assignment Help, Linked List and Priority Queue Homework Help, Linked List and Priority Queue Coursework, Linked List and Priority Queue Solved Assignments, Data Structures Assignment Help, Data Structures Homework Help, Data Structures Coursework, Data Structures Solved Assignments, Java GUI Assignment Help, Java GUI Homework Help, Java GUI Coursework, Java GUI Solved Assignments

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Linked list-priority queue for clinic patients registration
Reference No:- TGS03025833

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