
Link parameters-kinematic modelling of a planar robot

Assignment 1: Link parameters
A) Draw a CAD model of an RR link shown in figure. You may represent an R joint as in figure below or using a cylinder.

B) Create a coordinate frame on the link following the D-H convention.

C) The parameters shown in figuer below are different from the D-H link parameters. Give the D-H parameters of the link.

1550_RR link.jpg

585_R joint.jpg

Assignment 2: Kinematic modelling of a planar robot

A) Create a CAD model of the planar robot and the target object shown in figure below using a CAD software.

B) Derive the matrice Tog, To1, T12, T23, T3p

c) Obtain Top using CAD software.

d) Verify Top = To1 T12 T23 T3p

e) Can the end-effector reach the target?

f) Verify whether the following equation is true:

T3pT23T12To1 = To1 T12 T23 T3p

366_planar robot.jpg

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Mechanical Engineering: Link parameters-kinematic modelling of a planar robot
Reference No:- TGS0821

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