Link between business and public safety administration

Assignment task:

Presentation: The Link Between Business and Public Safety Administration


For this assignment, you will create a presentation that highlights the differences and similarities between public and private management techniques. Create a presentation to inform the audience (your instructor) about the differences and similarities between public and private management techniques. Concentrate on including concrete examples for each assertion you make about a difference or similarity. Include your research and in-depth information about each slide in the Notes section of your presentation.

Specifically, address the following critical elements:

I. Long-Term and Short-Term Budgets

a. What are the differences and similarities between how the two groups create long-term and short-term budgets?

II. Private Business Practices

a. Which business (private sector) practices should not be implemented in public safety administration, and why not?

b. Is accountability between the private (clients and shareholders) and public sectors (public, watchdog groups, anti -corruption bodies, etc.) the same? What is the mission and vision of the public safety sector?

III. Budgeting Decisions

a. Decision making in the public and private sector is different due to the mission and vision. How do the differences in the ability to make budgeting decisions affect the public sector's long-term and short-term strategies when considering the mission and vision of the organization?

As you address the critical elements above, be sure to identify at least two different theories from your reading that support your presentation.

You also need to include the following:

  • An introductory slide that states the author and titles of the works
  • Scholarly resources (cited on a reference slide) to substantiate claims

You are not limited to using PowerPoint for your presentation. There are other formats available to you. Check out the following helpful information regarding presentations.


Principles of an Effective Presentation:

  • You may utilize a product such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Presentation to create your presentation.
  • There are various template designs that you can find on the web for your presentation. However, first consider your presentation from the perspective of your audience prior to selecting a specific style. Distracting backgrounds, large blocks of text, all uppercase fonts, elaborate font styles, grammatical errors, and misspellings are distracting. Be consistent with the style of text, bullets, and sub-points in order to support a powerful presentation that allows your content to be the focus.
  • Each slide should include your key points. Do not place large blocks of text on the visual. Your presentation is not a means of presenting a short paper. In an actual presentation, you would not "read" from your slides but rather use them as prompts.
  • Any notes or narration that you would use in delivering this presentation to a group should be listed in the Notes section of the slide.
  • References should be listed at the bottom of the slide in slightly smaller text.
  • Use clip art, pictures, charts, tables, and diagrams to enhance but not overwhelm your content.
  • Be mindful of the intended audience and seek to assess the presentation's effectiveness by gauging audience comprehension (when possible).

Below are some links that offer helpful tips and examples for developing your presentations:

  • Video: Create an Effective Presentation (3:00)
  • Article: Presenting Your Research Effectively
  • Presentation: Making PowerPoint Slides: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Bad Slides
  • Article: Publishing Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Video: Publishing Narrated PowerPoint Presentations (1:12)
  • Video: Google Presentation 5: Presenting and Publishing (4:18)

What to Submit: The 7- to 8-slide presentation needs to include a title slide and a reference slide. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

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Other Subject: Link between business and public safety administration
Reference No:- TGS03439994

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