
Lines of code and function point metric

Q1. Describe any four features of a software process?

Q2. What do you mean by functional testing? Describe the equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis method for functional testing?

Q3. Write detail notes on any three of the given:

a) Unit, Integration and System Testing
b) COCOMO Model
c) Software Requirement Specification document.
d) Software Debugging
e) CASE Tools

Q4. Illustrate the Lines of Code and Function Point metric to measure the size of software product? Illustrate their merits and demerits?

Q5. Define the term Software Reliability. Explain why Software reliability is hard to measure? Describe any two metrics for computing the software reliability?

Q6. Describe the Walkthroughs and Inspections as Software Review methods?    

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Software Engineering: Lines of code and function point metric
Reference No:- TGS012005

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