Linearly interpolate - Modeling and Rendering
I4 = I1 + t (I2 - I1); here t = (|y1 - y2|)/(|y1 - y2|)
ID = IA + t (IB - IA); here t = (|AD|)/(|AB|)
As same in IE = IC + t (IB - IC); here t = (|CE|)/(|CB|)
And IP = ID + t (IE - ID); here t = (|EP|)/(|DE|)
Here Ip → Intensity of points over the surface of polygon that is in Gourand shading the intensity of point - 4 is linearly interpolated by intensity at vertices 1 and 2, as the same in point 5 too is interpolated by intensity at vertices 3 and 2. Intensity of points P is linearly interpolated by intensity at point 4 and 5.