
Linear regression decision model


Q1. If the team of appraisers want to use a simple linear regression decision model (one X, one Y) based on either X1 or X2, which one of these independent variables do you recommend they use? Why?

Q2. Estimate the parameters, and therefore the prediction equation, for

Y = b0+ b1X1 + b2X2

For each additional areal foot , what is the change in heating cost?

Q3. Set up a binary variable (X3) for furnace age in combination with the model from part b. How much (%), if any, additional variability in heating cost, Y, does furnace age help explain?

Q4. What is the "best" model recommendation you can offer the home appraisal team using any combination of the independent variables from parts a through c above. Write the specific model.

Suite Heating Cost X1, Outside Temp  X2, Footage  X3, Furnace Age
1  $     198 29 1900 >5yrs
2  $     355 8 2800 <5yrs
3  $     291 6 2500 >5yrs
4  $     230 22 2000 <5yrs
5  $     121 55 1300 >5yrs
6  $     250 36 2100 >5yrs
7  $     360 28 2400 <5yrs
8  $     164 36 2300 <5yrs
9  $       42 59 1300 <5yrs
10  $       90 64 1500 >5yrs
11  $     271 19 2300 >5yrs
12  $       96 57 1400 >5yrs
13  $     187 39 1900 <5yrs
14  $     235 25 2100 >5yrs
15  $     138 28 1800 <5yrs
16  $       71 53 1200 <5yrs
17  $     206 47 2000 >5yrs
18  $     398 20 2900 >5yrs
19  $     319 39 2600 <5yrs
20  $       72 60 1500 >5yrs

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Mathematics: Linear regression decision model
Reference No:- TGS01919715

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