
Linear programming-simplex method in tableau form


Linear Programming : Simplex Method in Tableau Form

The following problem is something that needs to be put into tableau iterations, but I'm not sure of my answers on it... I'm catching on slowly, but would like to have something to use to check my work... This is a homework problem, but the homework is graded on participation, not correctness in this distance learning class. So I'd like to have the correct answer available, since I need to create my own feedback loop to make sure I'm learning the material. Please help:

Here is the problem:

Solve the following linear program by hand using the simplex method:
Minimize     3X1+4X2+8X3
Subject To: 4X1+ 2X2 >= 12
                   4X2+8X3>= 16
                    X1, X2, X3 >= 0

Show all tableau iterations

a. What is the optimal solution?

b. What is the optimal Value?

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Mathematics: Linear programming-simplex method in tableau form
Reference No:- TGS01920559

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