Linear Programming: Integer Programming
Include both model formulation (as in part a of the example problems) and computer solution,
Use Excel (Solver) you can capture the results and a graph in by doing a "Print Screen," you capture the screen image. You can now paste to the Word document.
If using Solver, please submit the Excel file (include the model formulation on the worksheet). Each problem should have its own worksheet.
The Live Wright Medical Supplies Company has a total of 12 salespeople it wants to assign to three regions-the South, the East, and the Midwest. A salesperson in the South earns $600 in profit per month for the company, a salesperson in the East earns $540, and a salesperson in the Midwest earns $375. The southern region can have a maximum assignment of 5 salespeople. The company has a total of $750 per day available for expenses for all 12 salespeople. A salesperson in the South has average expenses of $80 per day; a salesperson in the East has average 'expenses of $70 per day, and a salesperson in the Midwest have average daily expenses of $50. The company wants to deter¬mine the number of salespeople to assign to each region to maximize profit.
a. Formulate an integer programming model for this problem.
b. Solve this model by using the computer.