
Linear programming can be used to solve very large problems

Linear Programming can be used to solve very large problems with thousands of variables and constraints. Smaller problems can be easily solved with Excel, which is available on virtually all desktop computers with Microsoft Office or with online application tools. Good linear programming formulations represent as much of an art as a science. A) Create a real world scenario and develop a linear program problem (max or min) explaining in detain what you are trying to accomplish. Your model must include at least three constraints (excluding the nonlinearity constraints) and two variables. B) Explain the meaning of the numbers on the right hand side of your constraints. C) Explain the significance of the coefficients in your objective function. D) Solve your problem graphically and show the critical region along with the corner points. Indicate the value of the objective function at each corner point. Identify which corner point is optimal. E) Explain the meaning of your solution. F) Increase the value of your first variable in your objective function by 50%. Does this change your optimal solution? Explain why the increase did or did not change your optimal solution.   

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Mathematics: Linear programming can be used to solve very large problems
Reference No:- TGS01075814

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