
Linear mappings differentiation and linear spaces


Linear Mappings, Differentiation and Linear Spaces

Please help with the following problems. Provide step by step calculations for each.

1) Show that this mapping is linear:

T: P5 -> P8 defined as Tp(t)=p(t+1)-p(t)+integral(t-1 to t) s^2 p(s) ds

2) Prove the following is true, or give a counter example:

If l is a nonzero scalar linear function on linear space X (which may be finite or infinite) and a is an arbitrary scalar, there exists a vector x in X st l(x)=a

3) Let T: Pn->Pn be the linear map st Tp(t)=p(t+1). Show that if D is differentiation then T = 1 + D/1! + D^2/2! ... + D^(n-1)/(n-1)!

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Mathematics: Linear mappings differentiation and linear spaces
Reference No:- TGS01921543

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