
linear equations - resolving and identifying

Linear Equations - Resolving and identifying linear first order differential equations.

Separable Equations - Resolving and identifying separable first order differential equations.  We will also start looking at determining the interval of validity by the solution to a differential equation.

Exact Equations - Resolving and identifying exact differential equations. We will do some more intervals of validity problems now as well.

Bernoulli Differential Equations- In this region we will notice how to solve the Bernoulli Differential Equation. This region will also introduce the concept of using a substitution to assist us resolve differential equations.

Substitutions- We will pick up where the last section left off and have a look at a couple of another substitution which can be used to resolve several differential equations which we couldn't otherwise resolve.

Intervals of Validity- Here we will provide an in-depth look at intervals of validity and uniqueness question and also an answer to the existence for first order differential equations.

Modeling with First Order Differential Equations- to model physical situations utilize the first order differential equations. The section will illustrate some extremely real applications of first order differential equations.

Equilibrium Solutions- We will see the autonomous differential equations and behavior of equilibrium solutions.

Euler's Method- In this region we'll consider a method for approximating solutions to differential equations.

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Mathematics: linear equations - resolving and identifying
Reference No:- TGS0413565

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