
Linear algebra-vector spaces and inner products


Linear Algebra : Vector Spaces and Inner Products

1) Let {α1, α2,α 2...........αn} be a basis of an n dimensional vector space over R and A be nxs Matrix .

                            Let ( β1, β2, β3............... βs) = ( α1, α2, α2...........αn) A
                            Prove that dim (span { β1, β2, β3............... βs}) = Rank (A).

2) Let V1 be the solution space of x1 +x2 + x3............+xn = 0

                             let V2 be the solution space of x1 =x2 = x3............=xn.
                             Prove that R^n (R to the power n) = V1+V2

2) Prove that for any λ∈(R^n)' then exists a unique vector α∈R^n such that = {xλ} = xλ , for all ( ε1, ε2, ......... εn)∈ R^n where x.λ is the inner product of R^n.

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Algebra: Linear algebra-vector spaces and inner products
Reference No:- TGS01933960

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