
Line drawing algorithm and anti-aliasing technique

1) Write down one line Drawing algorithm. Describe in detail with suitable example.

2) Describe in detail about the Anti-aliasing Technique.

3) Describe the different possibilities in viewing the 2D images in detail.

4) Describe the procedures used in 3D transformations.

5) Describe the following:  Illumination models and Dithering Techniques.

6) Describe how to perform, Train Animation? Describe the procedure in detail.

7) Show the uses of tools required for creating Multimedia applications.

8) Describe how to create instant Multimedia Application.  How to author it?  Describe in detail.

9) For the betterment of video, what are the tools used in Multimedia?  Describe in detail.

10) Compare Web Media, Hypermedia, Digital Media Visual media with Multimedia.

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Computer Graphics: Line drawing algorithm and anti-aliasing technique
Reference No:- TGS013162

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