
Line between ethical and unethical behavior and deviance

White Collar and Organizational Crime

Discuss the following questions.

Is White Collar crime as detrimental to society as the Uniform Crime Report offenses of: Homicide, Forcible Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Burglary, Larceny (theft), Motor Vehicle theft and Arson? (please explain your answer).

Should we punish White Collar and Organizational Crime in the same way we punish street crime? (explain your answer)

Should the organization, as well as the offender, be punished for sex crimes against children within the Catholic Church? (please explain your answer)

Discuss the line between ethical and unethical behavior and deviance. Under what circumstances might unethical behavior be considered deviant? Not deviant? Please provide one or more examples.


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Other Subject: Line between ethical and unethical behavior and deviance
Reference No:- TGS02050281

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