
Limitations of u.s. supply side policy in the war

Problem 1: Discuss the limitations of the U.S. "supply side" policy in the war on drugs. Can we win the war on drugs? explain your position on legalization. Why does prohibitionism policy by gov. lead to a) an increase in poverty crime, b) an increase in violent crime, particularly crimes with handguns? Discuss in terms of the pros and cons of legalization.

Problem 2: Discuss some theories or explanations of why the crime rate fell in the 1990? Murders are now on the rise again. Why? What role does demographics play-to what extent are youth actually responsible for the increase in murders> What type of data would you need to test the hypothesis that predatory youth are responsible for the increase in murders? Is murder a rational crime? Why or why not?

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Microeconomics: Limitations of u.s. supply side policy in the war
Reference No:- TGS01743915

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