Question 1: What are the characteristics by which the colored visual information can be represented?
Question 2: Illustrate the limitations of the NTSC system?
Question 3: Describe the advantages and drawbacks of SECAM system.
Question 4: Describe how by frequency interleaving the color information is accommodated within the similar channel bandwidth of 7MHz.
Question 5: Draw a block diagram of the color TV receiver.
Question 6: Describe with the block diagram how both (B-Y) and (R-Y) signals are joined around the similar sub carrier frequency by Quadrature modulation. Why is the color signal bandwidth requirement much less than those of the Y signal?
Question 7: Describe the factors that affect the choice of sub carrier frequency in a color TV system.
Question 8: Validate the choice of 3.579545MHz as the sub carrier frequency in the NTSC system. How does it influence the line and field frequencies?