
limitations of ecological pyramids the pyramid of

Limitations of Ecological Pyramids

The pyramid of energy is a significant improvement over the previous two types of ecological pyramids, yet all of them overlook one or another important aspect. Some of these limitations are discussed below.

  1. Some species practise more than one mode of nutrition or belong to two or more trophic levels. This is particularly true in the case of consumers of higher trophic levels. Man is an example. He gets his food from primary producers as well as from higher trophic levels. Such organisms which feed at more than one trophic level are extremely difficult to depict in ecological pyramids..
  2. Saprophytes play a vital role in ecosystem but they are not represented in ecological pyramids.
  3. Detritus such as litter and humus is an important source of energy and exerts considerable influence on ecosystem function, yet it is not depicted in ecological pyramids.
  4. Ecological pyramids do not provide any clue to seasonal and diurnal variations.
  5. The rate of transfer from one trophic level to another is not reflected in the ecological pyramids.

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Biology: limitations of ecological pyramids the pyramid of
Reference No:- TGS0180923

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