
Life insurance

Discuss the following:

Life insurance can be used to hedge against future risk of financial loss to others (beneficiaries) due to your (policy holder’s) death. But do you need life insurance, and if you do, how much do you need? use the methods defined (“The Easy Method,” The DINK Method,” “The Non-Working Spouse Method,” and/or “The Family Need Method) as appropriate to conduct your assessment. Determine whether you need life insurance. Then estimate how much, if any, life insurance you should carry. Should you use “term” or “whole life” to meet your needs? What other life insurance products could you use to meet your financial goals? What is the potential that your life insurance needs will change over your life? What would be a good strategy to deal with that change? Determine what would be best for you now and in the future.  Did this process reveal something new to you?

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Management: Life insurance
Reference No:- TGS01756246

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