
Library organization and information science

Question 1: Write answers of the given questions:

a) Define the term ‘Referral Service’.

b) What do you mean by Literature Search?

c) What do you mean by Reference Question?

d) State Functions of Reference Service of School Libraries.

e) State Reference Sources which are used to answer Ready Reference Questions.

Question 2: Write answers of the given questions:

a) Explain Samuel Rothstein’s Theory of Reference Service.

b) What do you mean by Reference Interview? State all the qualities of a Reference Librarian?

Question 3: Write answers of the given questions:

a) Define Reference Service and state the difference between ‘Ready Reference Service’ and ‘Long Range Reference Service’.

b) Describe nature and functions of the Reference Service in University Library.

Question 4: Write answers of the given questions:

a) Define the term Information.

b) What do you mean by Patents?

c) Describe the significance of Standards.

d) Explain the four approaches to Information.

e) Write down any five Services comprised in Active Documentation.

Question 5: Write answers of the given questions:

a) Describe with the help of diagram the process of ‘Re-organization of Information’.

b) Describe the relation of Data and Information with appropriate example.

Question 6: Write answers of the given questions:

a) Describe with the help of diagram the Three Categories of Information Sources and describe features of Primary Sources of Information in detail.

b) Define the term Documentation. Describe Active and Passive Documentation in detail.

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Other Subject: Library organization and information science
Reference No:- TGS05668

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