
Library and information science

Question 1: Write answers of the following questions:

a) Describe significance of Five Laws of Library Science.

b) Write activities of R.R.R.L.F.

c) Explain different Extension Activities.

d) State significance of Public Relations in Public Library.

e) Describe in brief the role of Library as an Agency of Mass Communication.

Question 2: Write answers of the following questions:

a) Describe role of Libraries in the Development of Reading Habits.

b) Describe role of UNESCO in Development of Libraries.

Question 3: Write answers of the following questions:

a) Write an essay on the History of Library Movement of your country.

b) Describe Fifth Law of Library Science.

Question 4: Write answers of the following questions:

a) What are the different methods for Circulation of Periodicals?

b) Write a note on Processing Slip.

c) List different steps comprised in Acquisition of Books.

d) State need of Book Selection Policy.

e) Write a note on appointing a Standing Vendor.

Question 5: Write answers of the following questions:

a) Describe three Card System of Recording Periodicals.

b) State and justify different columns you would propose for a page in an Accession Register.

Question 6: Write answers of the following questions:

a) Explain in detail the Browne’s Charging System.

b) Describe the principles of Book Selection comprised in the motto ‘The right book to the right reader, at the right time.’

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Other Subject: Library and information science
Reference No:- TGS05665

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